NEW logbooks

Just a mention of PlaneLogiX log book transcription service. Provides an electronic, and a custom binder, record of your complete logs and all/any pertinent aircraft info/records. Updates also offered for a small additional fee. We all know our logs hold a significant value for our aircraft. This allows offsite/secure storage of the original logs, while a complete copy can be kept in the aircraft. Also, on their website is a complete online log record. I utilized PlaneLogiX services when I recently sold my Saratoga to an out of state buyer...buyer and their A&P accessed my logs quickly and easily utilizing the online logs. I receive no compensation other than a satisfied user.


  • Thanks, great information.

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • I have subscribed for the full service and sent my log books a couple of weeks ago. Will give a report. If people were interested maybe a group buy could work(Scott what do you think?)

  • Price?

    I own and fly a 79 PA32RT-300T. Previous aircraft are a 79 Archer and 76 Arrow.

  • Hey John, I'm open to this. Let's see how it progresses. :)

    Thanks John!

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • I will do a report once I start using it. There are a range of prices depending on service level. I have opted for the 7 gold star service to effectively track and schedule all maintenance, and deal with non-scheduled.

    With the way plane prices have risen, costs have risen, especially insurance that having this service is very good. It is a permanent record, 3rd parties must be authorised to use the service and that will have them(and buyers when you come to sell it). I think it reaches into the maintenance manual(which are very hard to find and expensive.

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