I get tired of looking on XXX and seeing all this stuff peddled there, lots of so called "BARGAINS" and other such JUNK .............. Friend of mine had a conversation with an FAA FSDO and they told him that most of the airplane PROBLEM deals they see come from internet web sites such as XXX ..................... SO, there you are ............... If you see something that is out there for what seems to be a "BARGAIN PRICE" or "REALLY GOOD DEAL" ............. forget it. You have to do a lot of background research and ask questions of OTHER individuals that might know about the subject aircraft you are looking to buy, because the scammer seller is not going to tell you about the "OTHER PROBLEMS" with the aircraft ......................... WHAT I suggest you do is find out where the subject aircraft is located, find someone on that airport that is willing to talk to you about this aircraft and ASK QUESTIONS ............... They will tell you INVALUABLE information that the SELLER may or may not share with you, even after they get your $$$ ................... DO A TITLE SEARCH before you even get interested and if you are going to BUY the aircraft, BUY TITLE INSURANCE. I got burned by a BUM AIRPLANE SELLER that lied up and down, that the aircraft had a CLEAN TITLE, but NO !!! In short, don't get yourself compromised with your $$$ when buying airplanes ...................... There are SOME GOOD folks that are decent and will disclose all that you should and need to know about their airplane that is for sale, and there are MANY BAD folks out there will also take your $$$ and leave you holding the bag ................... Take care and GOOD LUCK in your airplane purchase !!!


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