Flight Instructor Resource

edited September 2019 in Training

Fellow members, I see this category (training) is not as busy as some other categories. There is much activity in Avionics, Maintenance, etc., but training does not seem to generate the same amount of interest. That could mean everyone already knows it all (not likely) or perhaps the training category is not well defined.

From time to time, even experienced pilots seek out a current flight instructor to bounce a question regarding regulations, procedures, or other areas of knowledge where a flight instructor can be of assistance. Perhaps if the general membership knew flight instructor members were monitoring this area for questions, we could have a more frequent exchange of information in the training category. I would encourage all current flight instructor members to check here periodically to answer questions and encourage all members to take advantage of our member instructors expertise!

For the record, I am a current instructor and do stop here periodically.




  • Hey Mike. Do you have any Comanche experience or know an instructor who does?

  • Mike, when you get questions from your students post them here with the answers once in a while. :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot

  • Hi Blackduck1, thank you for asking but no, I have no specific flight experience in the Comanche. If you have a general operational question about this aircraft, post it and perhaps another instructor or owner will chime in! Also, what a person might think is specific to one model aircraft may in fact be common to other makes or models as well.


  • edited September 2019
    Great idea Scott! Not only for me, but also for other flight instructor members!

    Here is one from the world of IFR, and I was the student! I have had my instrument rating since 1982 but like many who fly for recreation and not a living, it is hard to keep current. On a recent IPC, I was asked about VOR checks. I always had two VOR receivers independent except for a common antenna and habitually would check one against the other as described in 14CFR 91.171 so never gave much thought to the other methods. But the EXAMINER with whom I was flying asked about those other methods and honestly, I simply remembered you could choose from any of those others methods; avionics test station, VOT, surface checkpoint, airborne checkpoint, or prominent charted landmark. I was quickly corrected! It is NOT a smorgasbord of methods from which to choose! I'm a CFI, not CFII but should have known better! There is a specific order to the acceptable methods written into the regulation. Watch the "and" and "or" and the sequence in which they appear! So electing to do an airborne check, for example, when a surface checkpoint is available would not be consistent with the regulation!

    In addition, with two VOR receivers, the maximum error allowed is 4 degrees... BETWEEN THE TWO INDICATIONS. So if the OBS on both were set to 300 degrees and one says 303 degrees and the other says 297 degrees, you are not legal to use that equipment in the IFR environment even though each receiver is only off 3 degrees! They differ by 6 degrees from each other.

    As they say, the devil is in the details ;)

    Now, is everyone OK with filing the ICAO flight plan form which is now mandatory if you file domestic IFR or VFR? Check it out.


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