wing walk for piper PA-28R-200

Hello there fellows,

I am ready to replace my wing walk and I cannot decide whether to use the paint type or use the one you glue on top.

Which type is better that will last longer?



  • My take on it is:

    I have seen the glue on traction tape peal off. If it peals off it all comes off except the glue.

    The paint on comes off where you walk. Just repaint every 30-50 years.

    1973 Arrow II factory AC removed

    G5’S, G275, GNX375 Still can get lost.

  • I've had both. They both work well, and each has pros and cons. Resq touched on some.

    The peel and stick glues these days are superior compared to the old ones. My current wing walk is peel & stick. Looks beautiful, and has held tight with no cracking or peeling for 7 years.

    It boils down to personal preference. You won't go wrong with either one.

    Jim "Doc Griff" Griffin
    PA28 - 161
    Chicago area

  • edited October 2023

    I like the paint on version. You can do touch ups on it to make it look brand new. It does wear quicker than the tape though. First to show are rivet heads.

    I own and fly a 79 PA32RT-300T. Previous aircraft are a 79 Archer and 76 Arrow.

  • Be sure tape is tucked in under aluminum strip at the forward edge to eliminate wind and rain from peeling up.

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