Need CFII for Saratoga ferry flight and dual instruction

I need to move my Saratoga from Charleston Executive KJZI to NM05 near El Paso, Texas. I need 15 hours dual and an IPC along the way. My insurance will not approve a CFII with less than 750 hr total time, 100 hr retractable, and 25 hours in make and model, and of course a CFII.


  • The list of CFI restrictions looks familiar. In addition to nearly the same requirements for a CFI when I needed help with a ferry, there was an age restriction of not older than 65.

    For the hours in model requirement, my insurer really meant the actual model: PA-32R-301. Not a Lance. Not a Cherokee 6. Not a straight-leg Saratoga.

    Yeah, that sure was fun to find somebody who hit all the requrements.

    If willing to pay for round trip airfare from one of the coasts and possibly some lodging, might know somebody qualified to check all the boxes. Send me a private note if interested and I will check on availability.

  • It might be easier if you find a local instructor and fly off the hours near KJZI.

    For my Seneca I needed similar and it had to be a Seneca III vs a II. I ended up finding a school in Idaho that had one, completed my hours with them and then hired another CFII from AZ to fly with me from Scottsdale to Hillsboro. The 2nd instructor did not meet the open pilot limits but by then I was already signed off insurance wise.

    You can check flight schools that have Saratoga's and see if you can grab an instructor - many have restrictions on outside work like this though so you might need to fly their plane.

    Also, <- Does transition training

    Found these searching for flight schools with Piper Saratoga's. Popular plane, I am sure there are more. I don't have any direct connection or opinion on any of these places

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

  • Thank you. I contacted Bartelt and they no longer do transition training, but they referred me to a CFII who does all their deliveries.

  • Great! Hope it works out for you! Congrats on the Saratoga!

    Eric Panning
    1981 Seneca III
    Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)

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